With rentals, you get the instrument you need right away and only for as long as you need it. You also do not have to think about equipment failures or calibration. Spectra's rental program is the right solution for your short-term and evolving equipment rental requirements.
Dedicated Rental Inventory These are items we have acquired specifically for our rental pool. With our vast experience, Spectra knows which instrument groups and types tend to be the most commonly requested and have built our pool around that information. Count on Spectra to have the rental item you need.
Quick Delivery Part of our focus is to accommodate customers with pressing requirements and have our rental pool items ready to go. These items are pre-tested and calibrated immediately after each rental so they are ready to ship.
Equity We offer equity plans should you decide to ultimately purchase a rental product. Equity rates range between 20% to 50% of rental paid towards purchase price, depending on rental term and particular instrument.
Long Term Discount Many times customers know they will need the units for up to 12 months but buying is not an option for internal reasons. We offer very competitive rental rates for committed term rentals of 6 and 12 months.
If you need your equipment today but would like the flexibility of paying in monthly installments, we offer flexible leasing options through our finance partner, Direct Capital. Please contact us for more information.
Regardless of your requirements, Spectra can configure a rental or lease package to work for your individual situation. Call an account manager to explore your options.